Perhaps you are new to church… perhaps you have been a member of a church in the past… perhaps you have returned to church after a time away…
A question we are often asked is ‘how do I join’ or ‘how do I belong here’ or ‘can I become a member’. Let’s explore a little about what belonging at St George’s looks like, and how you can join. There are three considerations to think about how you belong, they are church engagement, administration, and the Electoral Roll.


Real membership of the church isn’t found on a database, or an Electoral Roll. The real way to show you are part of a church is seen by the way you engage with church life. Here are the 5 ways we hope every church member will engage in the life of St George’s church.

For many this will be a process over some months or years:


to church. Decide to make one of our services (9.15am, 11am, 6.30pm each Sunday) your home, and come each week. 1 Peter 2:5 tells us we are all being built together into a spiritual house that God dwells in. When you are missing from church, it’s like bricks missing from a building – we really miss you.


a small group. We want everyone who calls St George’s church their home to build authentic relationships with others. Joining a Small Group is one the best ways of doing this. Groups are either for people exploring faith in Jesus, those who are new to the faith, or those who are on a life long journey of maturing as a disciple of Jesus Christ.


for the church. We all must be committed to praying for the life and ministry of St George’s church. We can do this in many ways. One way is that we encourage everyone to gather for our monthly church prayer meeting ‘Prayer Central’ on the Wednesday following our Family Service (the first Sunday in the month).


in a ministry. We believe that every Christian has a vital role to play in the life of the church. It’s such a privilege to use our gifts to further God’s Kingdom by serving in our local church. Although we are blessed with a large staff team, running all of the events and activities we do would be impossible without the large and dedicated volunteer teams we have serving God and our community at St George’s Church.


to the work of the church. A vital part of belonging to a church is to help pay the bills that keep the ministry running. The bible tells us to give generously according to our means, standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church. Our members’ giving finances church services, children’s and youth activities, work with the homeless and indebted, plus buildings and administration.


To belong to St George’s, it really helps to sign up to our database (called ChurchSuite) so you can receive regular emails, stay in contact, and know what’s happening in the life of the church. To join administratively, it’s as simple as filling out a quick form, you can find it here.

Electoral Roll

The Church of England is a church with rules and laws which have governed and assisted the church over hundreds of years. To legally join the church, one must sign up to the Electoral Roll. The Electoral Roll is a list of all those who consider themselves a member of St George’s. Electoral Rolls should provide a true indication of the real membership and strength of the Church, both locally and nationally. Putting your name on the roll is a way of saying “I belong”; it is an act of commitment to your local church and to the Church as a whole. Joining the Electoral Roll opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church, at parish, deanery, diocesan and national levels. It is an important statement of witness, and step along the path of discipleship. With your name on the Electoral Roll the strength of the Church can be seen in Stamford and across Lincolnshire. If you are aged over 16, baptised, and have been living in the parish or attending services at St George’s for a minimum of six months then you are eligible for inclusion on the Electoral Roll. Each March / April we will notify those who are on ChurchSuite (see above) but not yet on the Electoral Roll to sign up.