Sunday 9.15am & 11am Morning Worship
This is an informal and contemporary services of worship, Bible teaching and prayer. These are larger gatherings of worship, and are vibrant, welcoming, attracting new visitors every week. One of our bands leads the sung worship, and there is always time to reflect on God’s word in a way that impacts lives. Holy Communion is on the 2nd Sunday of each month, and all who love Jesus are welcome to receive Holy Communion. We have prayer ministry available after all our services.
There are exciting children’s and youth groups for ages 0-14 including a well-staffed crèche at 9.15am and a smaller children’s and youth provision at 11am. There is an All-Age service, usually on the 1st Sunday of each month, which is accessible to all ages and shorter in length.
More details on our Children’s and Youth work can be found here.
Sunday 6.30pm Evening Worship
This is an informal and contemporary service of worship, Bible teaching and prayer. This is a vibrant and welcoming service. One of our bands leads the sung worship and there is always time to reflect on God’s word in a way that impacts lives. Holy Communion is on the 4th Sunday of each month, and all who love Jesus welcome to receive Holy Communion. This service is often attended by our youth and young adults.
Prayer ministry available at all services and pastoral support is available by appointment.
Midweek Holy Communion
A small, reflective gathering, lasting about 40 minutes. This traditional Holy Communion service is held twice a month at 12 noon on the first (BCP) and third (Common Worship) Wednesday. There will be a sermon to help us apply the truths of the Bible to our lives. We welcome Christians of all denominations to receive communion. We have prayer ministry available after all our services.